RFP-147-2024 - Opportunity for Veterinary Services Providers

Multnomah County Animal Services (MCAS) is looking for local veterinary clinics and hospitals to provide contracted veterinary services, including spay and neuter surgeries, vaccinations, and microchipping.

Services may be provided to shelter animals or fostered animals pre-adoption, or for recent adopters and their animals participating in a reimbursed voucher program.

Opportunity Ends July 1, 2024

To Apply or Learn More

To access the RFP, visit the Multnomah County Marketplace website (https://multco.us/purchasing/bids-proposal-opportunities) then scroll down for new business opportunities. Search “RFP-147-2024” for “Veterinary Services for Spay/Neuter Pre/Post Adoption.”

Learn more or apply

Proposals must be submitted electronically through the Multco Marketplace Supplier Network. Suppliers who do not currently have access to Multco Marketplace will need to complete an MMP Supplier Access Request Form to become registered.



Shelter Care