Photo for 115063 [Bruce]


Animal ID: 313208
Другие кошки в доме нежелательны


Порода: Американский питбультерьер
Пол: Мужской
Возраст: 1 year 3 months
Вес: 74.2 lbs
Тип шерсти: Короткий, Мягкая
Oкрас: Серый, Белый
Цвет глаз: Коричневый
Форма ушей: Загнутые
Тип хвоста: Длинный
Информация о местонахождении: На приемной опеке

Ориентировочная стоимость

Стоимость усыновления: $160.00
сборы за предоставление лицензии: $27.00 (Multnomah County residents only)

Oбо мне

Are you in search of a new adventure and workout buddy? Look no further than Bruce, a tall boy whose obsessions include fetch, chase, cheese, shredding cardboard, and playing in water. If you're thinking, same bro, same, then you just may be the perfect fit. While Bruce is big, he's still young at only 1 year and 2 months. He's mastered sit and lay down, and is especially treat and toy motivated, so it will be easy to continue his gentleman's education as he works on his jumpy and mouthy puppy attitude using positive reinforcement training methods. Bruce is a loyal companion who loves being by your side for all activities. With the help of his foster family, he is learning how to be a more polite walker on leash. He doesn't show any reactivity to other dogs, but he will chase a squirrel, cat, or crow up into a tree if given half the chance. This animal is in foster care! Apply to adopt them online!
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